[40% OFF]Competitive Programming in C++: The Keys to Success Coupon-Educative.io

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With Competitive Programming in C++: The Keys to Success you will get a 40% discount on yearly plans and a 20% monthly discount oneducative.io. It is one of the popular courses from educative.io

In this course, you will learn to prepare for competitive programming contests like ACM ICPC, Google CodeJam, Facebook HackerCup, and many more.

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Here is what you will Learn from Competitive Programming in C++: The Keys to Success

1. Introduction

  1. The Course
  2. C++ Refresher
  3. C++ Built-in methods
  4. C++ I/O

2. Complexity Analysis

  1. Algorithm Analysis
  2. Trivial Runtime Analysis
  3. Logarithmic Runtime
  4. Non Trivial Runtime

3. Number Theory

  1. Geometric Progression (GP)
  2. Permutations
  3. Combinations
  4. Solved Problem – PnC
  5. Prime Factors
  6. Solved Problem – Prime Factorization

4. Arrays and Vectors

  1. Introduction
  2. Vectors
  3. Solved Problem – Reverse Subarray
  4. Solved Problem – Rotate Array
  5. Solved Problem – Merge Sorted Arrays
  6. Solved Problem – Subarray Sum

5. Sieve of Eratosthenes

  1. Sieve of Eratosthenes
  2. Implementation
  3. Complexity Analysis
  4. Solved Problem – Segmented Sieve

6. Strings

  1. Strings
  2. STL
  3. Solved Problem – Make String Palindrome
  4. Solved Problem – Compare Numbers

7. Sorting

  1. Introduction
  2. Selection Sort
  3. Bubble Sort
  4. Insertion Sort
  5. STL

8. Linked List

  1. Linked List vs Array
  2. Singly Linked List – Searching
  3. Singly Linked List – Insertion
  4. Singly Linked List – Deletion

9. Stack

  1. Stack
  2. Implementation
  3. STL
  4. Solved Problem – Balanced Parentheses Sequence

10. Queue

  1. Queue
  2. Implementation
  3. STL

11. Binary Tree

  1. Introduction
  2. Types of Binary Trees
  3. More on Binary Trees

12. 2 Pointers

  1. Solved Problem – Pair Sum
  2. Solved Problem – Triplet Sum

13. Heap

  1. Heap
  2. Implementation
  3. Complexity Analysis
  4. STL
  5. Solved Problem – Kth Largest element
  6. Solved Problem – Merge K Sorted Arrays

14. Binary Search Tree

  1. Binary Search Tree
  2. Searching
  3. Insertion
  4. Traversals
  5. Properties
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