[40%OFF]Simplifying JavaScript : A Handy Guide for SoftwareEngineers Coupon-Educative.io

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Your time is valuable, and this course, based on the Pragmatic Programmers’ book, Simplifying JavaScript, covers all the most important language features

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Here is what you will Learn from Simplifying JavaScript: A Handy Guide for Software Engineers

1. Introduction

  1. Modern JavaScript
  2. About this course
  3. Intended Audience & Other Sources

2. Signal Intention with Variable Assignment

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 1: Signal Unchanging Values With const
  3. Tip 2: Reduce Scope Conflicts with let and const
  4. Tip 3: Isolate Information with Block Scoped Variables
  5. Tip 4: Variables to Readable Strings with Template Literals

3. Manage Data Collections with Arrays

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 5: Create Flexible Collections with Arrays
  3. Tip 6: Check Existence in an Array with Includes()
  4. Tip 7: Mold Arrays with the Spread Operator
  5. Tip 8: Avoid Push Mutations with the Spread Operator
  6. Tip 9: Avoid Sort Confusion with the Spread Operator

4. Maximize Code Clarity with Special Collections

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 10: Use Objects for Static Key-Value Lookups
  3. Tip 11: Create Objects Without Mutations Using Object.assign()
  4. Tip 12: Update Information with Object Spread
  5. Tip 13: Update Key-Value Data Clearly with Maps

5. Write Clear Conditionals

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 17: Shorten Conditionals with Falsy Values
  3. Tip 18: Check Data Quickly with the Ternary Operator
  4. Tip 19: Maximize Efficiency with Short Circuiting

6. Simplify Loops

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 20: Simplify Looping with Arrow Functions
  3. Tip 21: Write Shorter Loops with Array Methods
  4. Tip 22: Create Arrays of a Similar Size with map()
  5. Tip 23: Pull Out Subsets of Data with filter() and find()

7. Clean Up Parameters and Return Statements

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 28: Create Default Parameters
  3. Tip 29: Access Object Properties with Destructuring
  4. Tip 30: Simplify Key-Value Assignment
  5. Tip 31: Passing Variable Number of Arguments with Rest Operator

8. Build Flexible Functions

  1. Tip 32: Write Functions for Testability
  2. Tip 33: Reduce Complexity with Arrow Functions
  3. Tip 34: Focused Parameters with Partially Applied Functions
  4. Tip 35: Combine Currying & Array Methods for Partial Application
  5. Tip 36: Prevent Context Confusion with Arrow Functions

9. Keep Interfaces Clear with Classes

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 37: Build Readable Classes
  3. Tip 38: Share Methods with Inheritance
  4. Tip 39: Extend Existing Prototypes with Class
  5. Tip 40: Simplify Interfaces with get and set

10. Access External Data

  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 43: Retrieve Data Asynchronously with Promises
  3. Tip 44: Create Clean Functions with Async/Await
  4. Tip 45: Make Simple AJAX Calls with Fetch
  5. Tip 46: Maintain State Over Time with LocalStorage
  1. Introduction
  2. Tip 47: Isolate Functionality with Import and Export
  3. Tip 48: Leverage Community Knowledge with npm
  4. Tip 49: Build Applications with Component Architecture
  5. Tip 50: Use Build Tools to Combine Components

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